
Friday, March 20, 2015

Everyday Makeup Part 2: Focus on Eyes

I seriously cannot say thank you enough! 
You ALL have been so nice and 
SOOOOO supportive! 

Thank you all!!!

I am still trying things out and am kind of excited to be trying out a few new methods of getting the information out there. 

Today I bring you....
A video!?? :) 


I seriously sat here at my computer for a good solid 30 minutes just thinking about pushing the publish button on that youtube page before I actually hit it.

In any case...there is a video now.
With my face in

Let me know if you all like the video better then the pictures 
or if having a picture of each step was more helpful
or if you'd like it better if I just spoke in the video to make that whole connection easier....

I'm seriously learning as I go here
So if you have ANY suggestions 
I would love to hear them!!! :) 

I want to make these the best I can for YOU!!!! 
cause I kind of like you all.
A lot

ok now scroll down and watch that video in all it's awkward weirdness :)

Music in this video is just what I happened to be listening to while putting on my makeup today....
some days it will be normalish
some days it will be a total throwback.
jesse mccartney....
it's going to happen so just be warned. :)

List of product links and what I did....
Draw a triangle connecting the bottom of your nose, inner corner of your eye, and outer corner of your eye. Fill in with little strokes and blend blend blend away those dark circles. 

This stuff primes your lids to hold your shadow in place ALL day! Plus it is colored like a concealer so it helps cover those pesky little veins and discolorations that pop up on your lids from time to time. bye bye! 

Cover any spots you want
Lightly use the bronzer directly under your cheek bones to add a little more dimension. (A little goes a LONG way here) You just want to enhance the natural shadow of your cheek bone. Nothing drastic. Next use the Blush on the apples of your cheeks and blend back toward your hairline staying above the bronzer/cheekbone line. 

This eye brow gel is great! it's super easy to use. Just brush with a light hand and voila! Naturally thicker brows! :) 

6. NYX Eye Shadow Palette in Dusk 'til Dawn
Use the copper/bronze shade to cover your lid. I like this color for me because I feel the color enhances my eye color. If you have blue eyes this one is great for you. If your eyes are green I would recommend something a little more red based and if your eyes are brown maybe more purple toned.
This palette would look amazing with any eye color, just if you want a color that will have the same eye "pop" effect...go with one that's a little more your eyes complementary color. 

I love this brush because 
1. it works and 
2. it was $1.00. 
SOLD! :) 

8. Avon Glimmersticks Eye Liner in Blackest Black
Use an eyeliner that matches the color of your mascara. I use black mascara, so obviously I use black liner :)  Fill in your lash line by running the liner back and forth inside the lash line. Try to keep it in the lash line. Filling in the waterline will result in transfer of product to the lower lashes waterline. It's weird at first but it really helps enhance and create the illusion of a thicker lash line without the harshness of actually lining the eye. I am all about the sneaky natural looking. 

Lining the waterline of your lower lash line really opens your eyes and creates a bright eyed effect. Some people use white liner or one that is noticeably lighter then their skin color. To me, for an everyday look it's a little harsh. I use a darker shade but still nude to just keep the waterline clear of any wandering black liner from above and it really helps keep my eyes bright looking all day long. 

10. Covergirl LashBlast Volume Mascara in Blackest Black
I love this mascara!!! I have used it for years and have yet to fall as hard in love with any other mascara since while folks. :) Love it! 

Nude lipsticks are hard. This one is pretty cool toned but it's still one of the closest to a perfect for me nude lip color I have found. It goes on like a gloss but stays like a lipstick and I kind of love that about it.

That's it.

Let me know if you guys like photos, videos or would like videos with just my voice over better? 
again I'm still working this thing out as I go

Thank you all again for your support!!

You all have been so kind and so wonderful.

Thank you! 


  1. I love the video because it helps me to see more clearly what I need to do, in order to feel confident enough to try it out myself :)

    1. Sarah! Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm so glad the video helped! :)

  2. I LOVE everything about what you did hear. The video was so fun with music, nice and quick but a good visual which lots of us amateur make uppers need ;) but I also love that you numbered each product you used and have a brief outline of what you did. Cause the eyeliner step, I had no clue what you just did (cause of ME and my cluelessness, not you!) so it was nice to scroll down and review. Very nice!!

    1. Steph I seriously LOVE you! Thank you for all your sweet words! I am so glad the video and description combo helped!! :) Thank you so much for your feedback and for helping me make these easier to understand! You are incredible!!! :) Love you!
